Wavelet thresholding and noise reduction

Ph.D. dissertation Maarten Jansen

Waveletdrempels en ruisonderdrukking

Doctoraal proefschrift Maarten Jansen

Korte beschrijving - Short Description

Inhoudstafel - Table of contents

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Software (mostly matlab)

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De tekst - The text

Except for the preface, a dutch summary, and most of the quotations, all text is in English.
You can download the text in gzipped PostScript format (.ps.gz) or in PDF.

De tekst is beschikbaar in gecomprimeerd PostScript-formaat en in PDF

The complete dissertation - het hele proefschrift (248 p.)

Chapter by chapter (ps.gz only) - Hoofdstuk per hoofdstuk (enkel in ps.gz-formaat)

This page is maintained by Maarten Jansen (maarten.jansen-AT-ulb.ac.be) URL: https://maarten.jansen.web.ulb.be/publications/PhD/index.html
Last update: 13 April 2000