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Articles in collectively written publications (with referee procedure)
Articles in international scientific journals (with referee procedure)
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Articles in collectively written publications (with referee procedure)

She Figures 2009 – Women and science: Statistics and Indicators (2009). European Commission, DG Research, Science and Society, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 110 p. Download

GROSPIC L., K. HAILA, K. LAHTEENMAKI-SMITH, M. LUTHE-ALVES, J. NATTI, S. O’DORCHAI, S. QUINN, S. RAHKONEN, A. SAINT-ALBIN (de), and P. VIRTANEN (2009) Evaluation of the effectiveness of the current legal framework on equal pay for equal work or work of equal value in tackling the gender pay gap. European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs.

NETWORK OF EXPERTS IN THE FIELDS OF EMPLOYMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY ISSUES (EGGE) (2010 forthcoming) Gender segregation in the labour market: roots, implications and policy responses – A comparative review of thirty European countries (Bettio F. and J. Plantenga, eds.), European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, Equal Opportunities Unit, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Download

NETWORK OF EXPERTS IN THE FIELDS OF EMPLOYMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY ISSUES (EGGE) (2010 forthcoming) The provision of childcare services – A comparative review of thirty European countries (Plantenga, J. and C. Remery, eds.), European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, Equal Opportunities Unit, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Download

BOSCH J., A. MARGHERITA, and S. O’DORCHAI (2009) Reconciliation between Work, Private and Family Life in the European Union. Eurostat, Unit F-2 Labour Market Statistics, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 140 p. Download

O’DORCHAI S. and H. PERIVIER, (2008) "Les femmes sur le marché du travail - Les faiblesses spécifiques dans 8 pays représentatifs de l’Union Européenne", Parlement Européen, Direction Générale Politiques Internes de l’Union, Département Thématique C Droits des citoyens et affaires constitutionnelles, Droits de la femme et égalités des genres, Bruxelles, PE 408.327, Novembre, 99p. [translated into English : Women on the labour market - Specific weaknesses in eight countries representative of the European Union]

DE HENAU J., L. MARON, D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2008) « Trabalho e maternidade na Europa, condições de trabalho e políticas públicas”, in: de Costa Oliveira A., B. Sorj, C. Bruschini and H. Hirata (Eds.) Mercado de trabalho e Gênero – Comparações internationais. Rio de Janeiro, Editora FGV, pp.161-85.

DE HENAU J., L. MARON, D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2008) “Emploi des mères et politiques familiales en Europe”, In: Hirata H., M. R. Lombardi and M. Maruani (Eds.) Travail et genre, comparaisons internationales – Regards croisés Europe – Amérique Latine, La Découverte, pp.150-68.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2007) «The role of welfare state typologies in analysing motherhood”, In: Del Boca D. and C. Wetzels (Eds.) Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood: a Comparative Analysis of European Countries, Cambridge University Press.

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2007a). “Making Time for Working Parents. Comparing Public Childcare Provision across EU-15”, In: Del Boca, D. and C. Wetzels (Eds.) Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood: a Comparative Analysis of European Countries, Cambridge University Press.

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2007b). “Parents’ Care and Career. Comparing Parental Leave Policies across EU-15”, In: Del Boca, D. and C. Wetzels (Eds.) Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood: a Comparative Analysis of European Countries, Cambridge University Press.

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2007c). “Support for Market Care. Comparing Child Cash and Tax Benefits across EU-15”, In: Del Boca, D. and C. Wetzels (Eds.) Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood: a Comparative Analysis of European Countries, Cambridge University Press.

GROUP OF EXPERTS ON GENDER, SOCIAL INCLUSION AND EMPLOYMENT (2006) Gender mainstreaming of employment policies - A comparative review of thirty European countries (Plantenga, J., C. Remery and J. Rubery, eds.), ISBN 978-92-79-07462-2, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 77p. Download

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS, S. O’DORCHAI and H. PERIVIER (2006). «The Relative Generosity of the EU-15 Member States’ Child Policies», in: The Rationale of Motherhood Choices : Influence of Employment Conditions and of Public Policies, Final report, Chapter 2, EUR22025, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp.43-97.

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2006) « Conclusion », in: The Rationale of Motherhood Choices : Influence of Employment Conditions and of Public Policies, Final report, Chapter 4, EUR22025, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp. 124-152.

GROUP OF EXPERTS ON GENDER, SOCIAL INCLUSION AND EMPLOYMENT (2006) The gender pay gap – Origins and policy responses - A comparative review of thirty European countries (Plantenga, J. and C. Remery, eds.), KE-76-06-200-EN-C, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 66p. Download

GROUP OF EXPERTS ON GENDER, SOCIAL INCLUSION AND EMPLOYMENT (2006) ‘Making work pay’ debates from a gender perspective – A comparative review of some recent policy reforms in thirty European countries (Fagan, C. and G. Hebson, eds.), KE-69-05-836-EN-C, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 172p. Download

GROUP OF EXPERTS ON GENDER, SOCIAL INCLUSION AND EMPLOYMENT (2005) Reconciliation of work and private life – A comparative review of thirty European countries (Plantenga, J. and C. Remery, eds.), KE-69-05-828-EN-C, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 100p. Download

MEULDERS D., R. PLASMAN, M. CINCERA, S. LEMIERE, S. DANIS, S. O'DORCHAI, I. TOJEROW, M. JEPSEN, A. GANGJI, D. MORENO, M. CAPRILE, K. KRUGER (2003) Women in industrial research. Analysis of statistical data and good practices of companies, EUR20814, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 172 p.

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Articles in international scientific journals (with referee procedure)

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2010) “Maybe baby: Comparing mothers’ employment and child policies the EU-15”, Feminist Economics, vol. 16, n°1, January, pp.43-77.

ALAOUI AMINE Z., K. FREDERICQ EVANGELISTA, D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2010) « Analyse des revenus individuels et de la dépendance financière des femmes et des hommes en Belgique », Brussels Economic Review /Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Vol.53, N°1, Spring.

ALAOUI AMINE Z., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2010) « Distribution des revenus entre les partenaires des couples en Belgique », Brussels Economic Review /Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Vol.53, N°1, Spring.

O’DORCHAI S. and N. SIMEU (2010) « Analyse de l’évolution des revenus des femmes et des hommes après une rupture du couple dans 18 pays européens », Brussels Economic Review /Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Vol.53, N°1, Spring.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2009) “Le ménage, cache sexe de la pauvreté des femmes”, Revue de la sécurité sociale belge.

MARON L., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2008) « Le congé parental en Belgique », Brussels Economic Review /Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Vol.51, N°2/3, Summer-Autumn.

O’DORCHAI S. (2008) « Do women gain or lose from becoming mothers? A comparative wage analysis in 25 European countries », Brussels Economic Review /Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Vol.51, N°2/3, Summer-Autumn.

MEULDERS D., S. O’DORCHAI and R. PLASMAN (2007) « Les inégalités salariales de genre : expliquer l'injustifiable ou justifier l'inexplicable », Brussels Economic Review /Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Vol.50, N°3, Autumn.

DE HENAU J., L. MARON, D. MEULDERS, S. O’DORCHAI and R. PLASMAN (2007) « Trabalho e maternidade na Europa, condições de trabalho e políticas públicas”, Cadernos de Pesquisa, Vol.37, N°132, September-December, pp.611-640.

DE HENAU J., L. MARON, D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2007) “Travail et maternité en Europe, conditions de travail et politiques publiques”, Brussels Economic Review / Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Vol.50, n°1, Spring-Summer, pp.63-88.

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2006) “The comparative effectiveness of public policies to fight motherhood-induced employment gaps in the former EU-15”, Bulletin luxembourgeois des questions sociales, Vol. 20, pp. 36-74.

O’DORCHAI S., PLASMAN R. and F. RYCX (2007) “The part-time wage penalty in European countries: how large is it for men?”, International journal of manpower, Vol. 28, n°7, pp.571-603. RePEc

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2006) «The childcare triad ? Indicators assessing three fields of child policies towards working mothers in the EU-15», Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, special issue on Work/Family Reconciliation Policies in High-Employment Economies (guest editor: J. Gornick),Vol. 8, n°2, pp.129-148, June.

JEPSEN M., S. O’DORCHAI, R. PLASMAN and F. RYCX (2005) “The wage penalty induced by part-time work: the case of Belgium”, Brussels Economic Review / Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, special issue on Labour market polarization (guest editors: B. Mahy, R. Plasman and F. Rycx), Vol.48, n°1/2, Spring-Summer. RePEc

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2004) “Editorial”, Transfer, special spring issue on Motherhood and Work, Vol.10, n °1, pp.5-13, Spring.

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS, S. O’DORCHAI and H. PERIVIER (2004). « The relative generosity of the EU countries’ childcare systems », Transfer, special spring issue on Motherhood and Work, Vol.10, n °1,pp.62-87, Spring.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2004) « The role of welfare state typologies in analysing motherhood”, Transfer, special spring issue on Motherhood and Work, Vol.10, n°1, pp.16-33, Spring.

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Working papers

MEULDERS D. and S. O'DORCHAI (2010). “A re-evaluation of the financial consequences of separation: Individualising concepts and definitions”. Working Paper DULBEA, Research Series, N°10-02.RS, February. RePEc

ALAOUI AMINE Z, K. FREDERICQ EVANGELISTA, D. MEULDERS, S. O’DORCHAI, R. PLASMAN and F. RYCX (2009). « Revenus individuels et dépendance financière des femmes et des hommes dans neuf pays européens en 2006 ». Working Paper DULBEA, Research Report, N°09-12.RR, August. RePEc

ALAOUI AMINE Z, K. FREDERICQ EVANGELISTA, D. MEULDERS, S. O’DORCHAI, R. PLASMAN and F. RYCX (2009). « Analyse de la répartition des revenus entre les femmes et les hommes et de la dépendance financière en Belgique sur base des données du SILC-Belge 2006 ». Working Paper DULBEA, Research Report, N°09-09.RR, March. RePEc

O’DORCHAI S. (2009). “Do women gain or lose from becoming mothers? A comparative wage analysis in 20 European countries”, Working paper DULBEA, Research series, N°09-11.RS, May. RePEc

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2009). “Gender and flexibility in working time in Belgium”, Working paper DULBEA, Research report, N°09-08.RR, March. RePEc

MARON L., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2008) « Le congé parental en Belgique », Working Paper DULBEA, Research series, N°08-24.RS, December. RePEc

O’DORCHAI S. (2008). “Pay inequality in 25 European countries”, Working Paper DULBEA, Research series, N°08-06.RS, June. RePEc

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2008). “Childcare in Belgium”, Working paper DULBEA, Research Report, N°08-08.RR, March. RePEc

DE HENAU J., L. MARON, D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2007). "Travail et Maternité en Europe, Conditions de Travail et Politiques Publiques". Working Paper DULBEA, Research series, N°07-14.RS, October.

O’DORCHAI S., R. PLASMAN and F. RYCX (2007). "The part-time wage penalty in European countries: How large is it for men?". Working Paper DULBEA, Research series, N°07-02.RS , January, International Journal of Manpower.

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2006), “The comparative effectiveness of public policies to fight motherhood-induced employment penalties and decreasing fertility in the EU-15”, Working paper DULBEA, Research series, N°06-02.RS, February. RePEc

JEPSEN M., S. O’DORCHAI, R. PLASMAN and F. RYCX (2005). "The wage penalty induced by part-time work: the case of Belgium", Working Paper DULBEA, Research series, N°05-17.RS, September. Brussels Economic Review/Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, 2005, vol. 48, n°1-2, pp. 73-94.)

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Scientific reports

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI, (2009), National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in the National Reform Programme for Employment, report by the European Commission’s Network of Experts in the fields of Employment and Gender equality issues (EGGE) for the Equal Opportunities Unit, DG Employment.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI, (2009), Flexible working time arrangements in Belgium, report by the European Commission’s Network of Experts in the fields of Employment and Gender equality issues (EGGE) for the Equal Opportunities Unit, DG Employment.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI, (2008), National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in the National Reform Programme for Employment, report by the European Commission’s Network of Experts in the fields of Employment and Gender equality issues (EGGE) for the Equal Opportunities Unit, DG Employment.

MARON L., E. MARTINEZ, D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI, (2008), Gender segregation in the labour market: roots, implications and policy responses in Belgium, report by the European Commission’s Network of Experts in the fields of Employment and Gender equality issues (EGGE) for the Equal Opportunities Unit, DG Employment.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI, (2008), The provision of childcare services in Belgium, report by the European Commission’s Network of Experts in the fields of Employment and Gender equality issues (EGGE) for the Equal Opportunities Unit, DG Employment.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI, (2007), Gender mainstreaming in Belgium – An analysis of employment policies from a gender perspective, European Commission’s Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment report for the Equal Opportunities Unit, DG Employment.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2006) Assessment of the Belgian Strategic Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion from a gender perspective, Expert Group on Gender and Employment, European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels, 23p.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2006) National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in the Belgian Reform Programme for Employment, European Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment, European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2006) The gender pay gap in Belgium, External Report commissioned by the European Commission’s DG Employment and Social Affairs, Unit G1 Equality between Women and Men, to the European Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment, Brussels, 42p. Download

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2005) Reconciliation of Work and Private Life in Belgium, External Report commissioned by the European Commission’s DG Employment and Social Affairs, Unit G1 Equality between Women and Men, to the European Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment, Brussels, 55p. Download

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2005) National Expert Assessment of the Gender Perspective in the Belgian Reform Programme for Employment, European Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment, European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2004) “Making Work Pay”. Debates from a Gender Perspective – The Belgian National Report, External Report commissioned by the European Commission’s DG Employment and Social Affairs, Unit G1 Equality between Women and Men, to the European Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment, Brussels.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2004) Assessment of the Belgian Action Plan for Employment and Social Inclusion from a gender perspective, Expert Group on Gender and Employment, European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels.

DE HENAU J., G. KARAKAYA, D. MEULDERS, S. O'DORCHAI, R. PLASMAN and R. R. TORRES (2004). « Fiscalité du tabac: évaluation des effets sur la consommation et les recettes fiscales », a research project requested by Rudy Demotte, Minister of Social Affairs and of Public Health, DULBEA, March.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2003) The costs of non-gender equality. National report for Belgium, External Report commissioned by the European Commission’s DG Employment and Social Affairs, Unit G1 Equality between Women and Men, to the European Expert Group on Gender, Social Inclusion and Employment, Brussels. Download

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2003) Assessment of the Belgian Action Plan for Employment from a gender perspective, Expert Group on Gender and Employment, European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels, 13p. Download

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2003) Assessment of the Belgian Action Plan on Social Inclusion 2003-2005 from a gender perspective, Expert Group on Gender and Employment, European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels, 16p. Download

DE HENAU J., D. MEULDERS and S. O’DORCHAI (2002). Supplementary information regarding policies to promote gender equality and employment : Belgium, Report of the European Commission’s groups of Experts on Gender and Employment, draft version, 14 p. Download

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2002) “Welfare State Comparisons and Motherhood”, in: The Rationale of Motherhood Choices : Influence of Employment Conditions and of Public Policies, State of the Art report, Chapter 2, DG Research, European Commission, pp. 46-84, September. Download

MEULDERS D., S. O’DORCHAI and H. PERIVIER (2002) “Women’s Employment and Public Policies”, in: The Rationale of Motherhood Choices : Influence of Employment Conditions and of Public Policies, State of the Art report, Chapter 3, DG Research, European Commission, pp. 85-124, September. Download

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Publications in conference proceedings

O’DORCHAI S. (2009) “Targeting women in science and research: a cross-country comparison based on composite indicators”, to be published in the proceedings of the Second International PROMETEA Conference “The scientific and technological careers of women and men – Private temporalities, professional temporalities, public and corporate policies”, Maison de l’UNESCO, Paris (France), November 26-27, 2009.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2009) “Revenus individuels et dépendance financière des femmes et des hommes dans neuf pays européens en 2006”, to be published in the proceedings of the Sophia Colloquium "Savoirs de genre, quel genre de savoir?", Brussels, October 23-24, 2009.

MEULDERS D. and S. O’DORCHAI (2003) “Welfare State Comparisons and Motherhood », in: BLAAS W. (Ed.) Eastern Enlargement as an All European Development Project, proceedings of the conference of the thematic network “Improvement of Economic Policy Coordination for Full Employment and Social Cohesion in Europe” (Budapest, 7-9 March), Institut für Finanzwissenschaft und Infrastrukturpolitik der Technischen Universität Wien, Der Offentliche Sektor, Forschungsmemoranden, pp.171-195.

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